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Select Publications:
Cipriano, T. (July 25, 2023). The Thriving Lawyer: A Multidimensional Model of Well-Being for a Sustainable Legal Profession. Routledge, UK & NY. (www.thethrivinglawyerbook.com)
Cipriano, T. (October 2024). Building Well-Being Into the Law School Experience: When, Where, and How, Insights from the Field, Association of American Law Schools newsletter.
Cipriano, T. (August 23, 2023). Is the answer to stop practicing law? Los Angeles Daily Journal, San Francisco Daily Journal, and California Lawyer.
Cipriano, T. (August 23, 2023). Bar application mental health questions: pertinent or unhelpful and stigmatizing? Reuters Legal and Westlaw Today.
Cipriano, T. (August 4, 2023). How to Recognize and Recover From Lawyer Loneliness, Law360.
Cipriano, T. (July 24, 2023). Lawyer Mental Health: Increased Awareness May Be Paying Off, Connecticut Law Tribune.
Cipriano, T. (2022). Make a Commitment: The CBA Well-Being Pledge is Dedicated to Achieving Positive Change. Connecticut Law Tribune, January 12, 2022. https://www.law.com/ctlawtribune/2022/01/12/make-a-commitment-the-cba-well-being-pledge-is-dedicated-to-achieving-positive-change/
Cipriano, T. (2021). Lawyer Well-Being Pledge and Awards: Motivating legal employers to embrace and promote positive change. CT Lawyer, September/October 2021. https://www.ctbar.org/docs/default-source/publications/connecticut-lawyer/ctl-vol-32/3-janfeb-2022/ctl-janfeb-22---well-being-pledge-and-awards.pdf?sfvrsn=ff337baf_10
Cipriano, T. (2021): Lawyer Well-Being Pledge and Awards: Motivating legal employers to embrace and promote positive change. CT Lawyer, November/December 2021.
Cipriano, T. (2021). Checking in: A year-plus into the pandemic, taking a self-inventory may lift your spirits. Connecticut Law Tribune, May 4, 2021. https://www.law.com/ctlawtribune/2021/05/04/checking-in-a-year-plus-into-the-pandemic-taking-a-self-inventory-may-lift-your-spirits/
Cipriano, T. (2020). The importance of self-care and workplace culture in 2020. CT Lawyer, November/December 2020. https://www.ctbar.org/docs/default-source/publications/connecticut-lawyer/ctl-vol-31/2-novdec-20/ct-lawyer-novdec---the-importance-of-self-care-and-workplace-culture-in-2020.pdf?sfvrsn=40f8cf2c_4
Cipriano, T. (2020). COVID-19 underscores the importance of employer flexibility. Connecticut Law Tribune, September 30, 2020. https://www.law.com/ctlawtribune/2020/09/30/covid-19-underscores-the-importance-of-employer-flexibility/
Cipriano, T. (2020). Stress self-check: Finding silver lining during COVID-19 crisis. Connecticut Law Tribune, April 30, 2020. https://www.law.com/ctlawtribune/2020/04/30/stress-self-check-finding-a-silver-lining-during-the-covid-19-crisis/
Cipriano, T. (2020). COVID-19: Managing stress and mood during a pandemic. Connecticut Law Tribune, March 25, 2020. https://www.law.com/ctlawtribune/2020/03/25/covid-19-managing-stress-and-mood-during-a-pandemic/
Cipriano, T. (2019). Addressing mental health and stigma in the legal profession. Connecticut Law Tribune, August 19, 2019. https://www.law.com/ctlawtribune/2019/08/19/addressing-mental-health-and-stigma-in-the-legal-profession/
Cipriano, T. (2018). ‘Who cares about attorneys?’ Recognizing stress and committing to change. Connecticut Law Tribune, August 8, 2018. https://www.law.com/ctlawtribune/2018/08/08/who-cares-about-attorneys-recognizing-stress-and-committing-to-change/
Cipriano, T. (Summer 2007). Finding optimal work-life balance: Pathways and obstacles to success, The Cross Examiner: A publication of the Connecticut Bar Association’s Young Lawyer’s Section, 2(2).